
Showing posts from July, 2020

Will You Fight?

Demoralization is a tactic of the enemy. Many great nations with great armies went down fighting while preaching to their conqueror the futility of the fight. Did Robert E. Lee dig in and fight defensively, or did he take the fight to the North knowing that his only hope was to break their will to fight? And how did Lincoln respond? Did he hold true to victory? So here we are. It's 2020 and we're seeing things that we never imagined. And some of things we imagined, we're realizing are far more terrible when we actually experience it. I had a facebook encounter a few weeks ago with a friend of a friend. I came face to face with evil then. In that exchange, I met a man who gloried in violence. He was smug. He was full of contempt. His desire was to cause as much harm to middle America as possible. I wasn't ready for that. But good. Here we are. Things have changed. We're not in Kansas anymore. Wake up call. What are we up against? A global machine? A Satan

Big Trouble with Little Memes

Memes are intended to encapsulate the spirit of an idea. They direct our focus to a zeitgeist, often one previously unrealized by the viewer. Memes go for the heart and often bypass the brain. Memes divide. A good percentage of the memes circulating social media will cause a warm fuzz for half the views and a gut wrenching feeling of anger in the other. Within our echo chambers, we share these little memes and get a pleasant dopamine hit when people comment favorably or "like" or we have the pleasure of seeing them and knowing other people share our beliefs. Obviously, memes are not intended to generate productive conversations that lead to a better world. And therein lies the problem. There is no nuance. Many memes not only state a position, but insult anyone who would disagree with such an obviously brilliant assertion. I recommend that lovers of freedom, those who wish to combat tyranny, abandon memes and go with arguments instead. State clear positions and invit

Time to be White

Marxist theory has white Americans labelled as the oppressors and all other races the oppressed. This is fundamental to their philosophy and their cause. Through media, Americans have been programmed to accept this as truth, a core narrative that has gone unchallenged for years. We believe it's natural, but it is not. Self-hate is not the norm for most people in most countries. It's become so normal, we can't even imagine being proud of our heritage. Now we are in the season for violence. It's starting and it's going to get worse. There is no force, no voice, no narrative for peace and reconciliation. The only way this would end would be for white Americans to stand up for themselves and say: "NO MORE GUILT! NO MORE SHAME!" Self-love does not equal hate, despite the constant reinforcement of that narrative. "White's cannot love themselves" I'll admit it. I'm wary of "white pride.&qu