Will You Fight?

Demoralization is a tactic of the enemy. Many great nations with great armies went down fighting while preaching to their conqueror the futility of the fight. Did Robert E. Lee dig in and fight defensively, or did he take the fight to the North knowing that his only hope was to break their will to fight? And how did Lincoln respond? Did he hold true to victory?

So here we are. It's 2020 and we're seeing things that we never imagined. And some of things we imagined, we're realizing are far more terrible when we actually experience it.

I had a facebook encounter a few weeks ago with a friend of a friend. I came face to face with evil then. In that exchange, I met a man who gloried in violence. He was smug. He was full of contempt. His desire was to cause as much harm to middle America as possible.

I wasn't ready for that.

But good. Here we are. Things have changed. We're not in Kansas anymore. Wake up call.

What are we up against? A global machine? A Satanic sex cult? Black Lives Matter? The rise of a new globalist STATE unlike anything seen before in our history?

Kind of scary. But just remember: it ain't over.

No it ain't.

They want you to think it's over, but it's not. They haven't won yet.

They are liars and they are few. We have the numbers. We have the truth. People are waking up and banding together.

The future is not decided. We may well be doomed to feel the fires of Mordor, but who knows? There are other forces at work in this world other than the will of evil. Though we may not see hope, it yet remains. There are still brave hearts unheard.

I have not yet forgotten the sound of water or the taste of strawberries. My senses are not so dull and so dim that I cannot imagine a place of beauty. My spirit is not so broken that I have lost the yearning to dine with my kin and celebrate life and love.

So take heart and be of good cheer. Enjoy the camaraderie this challenge engenders. Imagine the glory of the fight.

What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?
