Big Trouble with Little Memes

Memes are intended to encapsulate the spirit of an idea. They direct our focus to a zeitgeist, often one previously unrealized by the viewer. Memes go for the heart and often bypass the brain.

Memes divide.

A good percentage of the memes circulating social media will cause a warm fuzz for half the views and a gut wrenching feeling of anger in the other. Within our echo chambers, we share these little memes and get a pleasant dopamine hit when people comment favorably or "like" or we have the pleasure of seeing them and knowing other people share our beliefs.

Obviously, memes are not intended to generate productive conversations that lead to a better world. And therein lies the problem. There is no nuance. Many memes not only state a position, but insult anyone who would disagree with such an obviously brilliant assertion.

I recommend that lovers of freedom, those who wish to combat tyranny, abandon memes and go with arguments instead. State clear positions and invite discussion. Don't make enemies of potential allies.

What are we up against? We have a billion dollar think tank against us. We have PhDs and professionals, the most brilliant minds on the planet working to propagandize us through various media. We have all of pop culture working against us. The government is against us.

What do we have?

What the truth.
