Time to be White

Marxist theory has white Americans labelled as the oppressors and all other races the oppressed. This is fundamental to their philosophy and their cause. Through media, Americans have been programmed to accept this as truth, a core narrative that has gone unchallenged for years.

We believe it's natural, but it is not. Self-hate is not the norm for most people in most countries.

It's become so normal, we can't even imagine being proud of our heritage.

Now we are in the season for violence. It's starting and it's going to get worse. There is no force, no voice, no narrative for peace and reconciliation.

The only way this would end would be for white Americans to stand up for themselves and say:


Self-love does not equal hate, despite the constant reinforcement of that narrative.

"White's cannot love themselves because...um....Hitler."

I'll admit it. I'm wary of "white pride." I don't want to join an ideology just to have feeling of belonging. I don't want my identity to be "white." Sadly, that's how the leftists want to label me.

Some say you can't truly love others until you love yourself. So we'd better get busy loving ourselves.

I'm not advocating for white militia, white parades, segregation of exclusivity. My message is simply: STOP FOCUSING ON GUILT AND SHAME

And realize how much good our ancestors have done. I celebrate it. That's my choice.

It is natural, a part of the deepest reaches of our psyche to feel harmony and connected with those who share our language, values, traditions, and appearance. 

Our message should be simple: whites deserve the same respect as all races.

We will not accept being treated with contempt any longer.

Please take a moment to consider what this means: whites deserve the same respect as any other race.
We know that these attacks against us are not designed to bring unity or make us better people. The attacks are not meant to improve the nation or advance the human race. At best, it is idolatry. At worst, it is genocide.

I've made it a pledge to not let any slight go unanswered. I know the implications of that pledge, but I'm holding to it. I'm going to be polite anymore. I'm not going to pretend to be "sensitive" in the face of an attack.

And let's not forget...let us keep this in the forefront of our mind: what is good for whites is good for blacks. The ultimate plan of the leftists is the replacement of all identity but what is given by the STATE.

I have several Afrikaner friends living nearby and I hear firsthand how things are in South Africa straight from their mouths. Right now, America is becoming South Africa. We do NOT want to be South Africa. CNN reported: "nothing to see here," but Lauren Southern's documentary Farmlands had it right. The ritual murder of white farmers is a regular occurrence there, the most brutal executions you can imagine.

The Afrikaners were replaced. And that is what is happening right now in America. We are importing aliens legally and illegally. Importing aliens is big business, and organizations are getting rich off it. The browning of America will destroy us, not because of something inherent in our skin color, but because our nation cannot stand while divided. We can only be strong living in trust with people of shared values.

If we're going down, let's go down fighting. There is no victory without rising to meet the challenge.

We must organize. We have to depend on each other. We have to eat better and sleep better. We have to have better strategies. We must be virtuous.

We have to know the truth and share it. Read. Read books. Stay informed. Learn how to be persuasive. Never give up.

It's a great time to be white.
